Vor fast genau zwei Jahren war ich das letzte Mal hier, und das unter ganz besonderen Umständen. Seitdem hat sich alles verändert und ich wusste nie genau, ob ich je wieder einen Fuß in diese Stadt setzten könnte. Doch nachdem mehrere gute Freunde dorthin gezogen sind, wurde es Zeit mich nach Freiburg zu wagen. Ganz spontan entschied ich mich zwischen Klausuren und meinem längst geplanten Urlaub in England dazu, meine Freunde zu besuchen. Es war die die beste Entscheidung - gegen Nostalgie und dafür, einen Ort mit neuen Erinnerungen zu füllen. Gleichzeitig tat es gut dem Großstadtwahn zu entfliehen und die Weite, Ruhe, Überschaubarkeit und Entspanntheit des Freiburger Lebens zu schmecken. Ein wahrer Urlaub, gar eine Erneuerung für meine Seele.
In every dark place there is a window and eventually the sun will break through and make you blink from happiness.
My first hometown glory was dedicated to my almost painful longing to be at home again. While my life in Berlin had been filled with doubts, sorrow, loneliness and anger, being in Hamburg made me feel surrounded by warmth, ease and love. Now, over a year later, I can finally say that I am in peace. I can come home, knowing that this is my refuge yet not the place I belong right now. Home is no more an unsatisfiable desire but a but an emotional timeout to prepare myself for all the excitements and perks of life that wait for me in my second home.
Spread your arms, lift your chin, let go and release everything that is making your heart heavy.
On our second day we breathed in the sunshine, admired the Oxford-Uni library that even includes a museum, got lost in the sweets that were sold in a Harry Potter like candy shop and wandered through the covered market that was closed already. Oxford is a lovely town that is not too small that it made me feel constricted but still feels intimate and filled with students and young people.
Thanks to everyone who leaves thoughts and comments on my posts. I am happy about every one, even if I don't get the time to reply. <3
In February I visited two dear friends in Oxford and got introduced to a beautiful town. I don't know what I expected (or if I even had a picture in mind) but walking around in Oxford left me in awe. I loved the very special architecture that seems so typical for Enland. Especially the buildings which belong to the University of Oxford are mindblowingly beautiful and could only be admired from the outside - going inside costs money. We also visited an International Art Fair in Oxford, where many artists from all over the globe presented their work and gave the opportunity to talk to them and explain their idea behind certain artworks. Our day ended with an evening walk through Oxford with all its cozy cafés and bars, making the whole mood so welcoming. I fell in love with this town.