Overcome the clouds

Friday, February 03, 2017

I learned a new lesson once again. The last month has been my worst since a long time. Yet not, because it actually was, but because of my mindset. Numbed by the cold and grey, I focussed on the wrong things and couldn't value how many exciting things were actually happening just now. It felt like time was standing still, keeping me far away from summer and everything I was looking forward to. So I had to change something again. Not my life but my thoughts. I had to literally overcome the clouds. In Switzerland, I did the same. It was grey, cold and rainy when we chose to drive up a mountain. We broke through the clouds and found out that the sun was shining, the sky was radiating its most beautiful blue. Now I have to mentally break through the clouds and have a glimpse at the beautiful sunlight waiting for me.

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8 thoughts

  1. Oh, wie schön das aussieht :)

  2. Wow! Sprachlose Bilder :)

    Kim | von KIMMARLEN

  3. Wahnsinnig schöne Bilder, so sinnbildlich & passend zum Text und deiner Situation.
    Wünsch dir viel Kraft um aus deinem Tief wieder rauszukommen ♥

  4. Beautiful pictures! http://northwestrambles.com

  5. Wahnsinn! Ich hab schon lange keine so beeindruckenden Fotos mehr gesehen. Das letzte Bild ist echt der Hammer, ich finde das strahlt so viel Energie aus :)

  6. Diese Wolken haben gar etwas gruseliges. Zum einen so wunderschön weit und auf der anderen Seite sieht es so aus, als wäre die Welt verschlungen.

    Liebe Grüße

