*Portfolio road to self discovery in all my honesty, my road to self-discovery and self-acceptance. still a long way to go. No thoughts , by Regina Leah
*Portfolio waking up to find another day Waking up to find another day. The moon got lost again last night. But now the sun has finally had it's say. I guess I feel alright. But it hurts when I think. When I let it sink in, it's all over me. I'm lying here in the dark. I'm watching you sleep, it hurts a lot. March 2011 No thoughts , by Regina Leah
*Portfolio trapped by my own heart Alone, trapped by my own heart, my own mind and my own decisions, within a labyrinth of regrets, hope and sorrow, searching for a guiding light to bring me out of this misery. 19 thoughts , by Regina Leah